Daniel Harrison's Personal Blog

Personal blog for daniel harrison

Balsamiq Mockups Blog August 30, 2008

Filed under: development — danielharrison @ 5:16 pm

I came across the Balsamiq Mockups product a while ago from a link off the Atlassian software blogs.  I think it’s a really well thought out and executed product.  My personal thoughts are when designing a product you can end up focusing too much on a specific design rather than the underlying concept and their mockups product is a great tool to avoid this.    It has a crude-ish hand drawn view of mockups and doesn’t pretend to be pixel perfect layout and representation.   It’s the perfect mockups tool and encourages the focus on the UX and concepts rather than any specific rendering.   I think in product development you can get a chasm between people who have to implement the system, and the ui designed in a graphics tool.  At least I’ve found this (in more than one organisation) can devolve into focusing on specific looks rather than critically examining the user experience of a system.  I think you can use wireframes but then this often ends up going the other way with not enough intent conveyed.  I think the mockups product is the perfect balance; not too specific, but built around designing, exploring and conveying intent and the user experience.

I was also dubious and highly skeptical of AIR and flash apps but i’ve been really impressed with the leveraging of flash into both a standalone desktop instance and integration into various enterprise wiki’s with a product that just nails it.  We use mediawiki at my work and i’d love to see some support 😉

Anyway the blog is at http://www.balsamiq.com/blog/ and it’s definitely worth following both for software development and micro isv wisdom.


links for 2008-08-30

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 2:01 am

links for 2008-08-25 August 25, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 2:33 am

links for 2008-08-23 August 23, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 1:32 pm

links for 2008-08-20 August 20, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 6:02 pm

links for 2008-08-20

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 12:56 pm

links for 2008-08-19 August 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — danielharrison @ 10:32 am

Why I Like Tuesdays as a Weekly Release Day August 5, 2008

Filed under: development — danielharrison @ 11:07 pm

One of the things that keep a project iterating once it reaches a certain point are regular releases.

I like weekly releases, long enough to allow for a decent chunk of work, but short enough to get early feedback and not ‘go dark’.

As part of this I like trying to get the build out every tuesday, why

  • Elimination wise, Friday is not so good because people are coming down after a week, having to stay late to get the build out on a Friday night is the last thing people want to be doing.  If things go wrong the only option is to have people stressing about the build all weekend or work on the weekends to get it done.
  • It allows for Monday to be a clear the decks day with everyone fresh and refreshed to work on making sure everything’s solid and stable with a view to other people using it.
  • If allows for the majority of the work week to be dedicated to getting the next set of functionality done.
  • Monday’s usually planning and figuring out what the next iteration needs/will be so better not to be tied up in assembling and testing.